About PSN


An Open Protocol for On-Stage, Live 3D Position Data

Initially developed as a means for VYV‘s Photon Media Server to internally communicate the position of freely-moving projection surfaces, PosiStageNet became an open standard through a close collaboration between VYV and MA Lighting, makers of the world-reknowned GrandMA2 lighting console.

The result is a combined positioning and lighting system that allows for effects of an unparalleled scale, where large numbers of moving lights can precisely follow multiple performers on stage. The protocol’s applications do not stop at lighting – sound designers can use its data to accurately pan sound effects and music automatically according to the action on stage, and automation operators can obtain another level of feedback on the position of motor-driven stage elements – or even set targets. And that’s just the start; the applications of 3D stage positioning systems are only beginning to be explored.

If you have implemented PosiStageNet in your system and would like to be mentioned on this website, or you have used PosiStageNet for a project and would like to submit material for our Projects Showcase, or for other enquiries, please contact us at info@posistage.net


If you want to be featured on this page please write to info@posistage.net

Media Servers & Visual Prog.

Lighting & Previsualization

Automation & Tracking

Amazing projects
using PSN.
The current specification in PDF

PosiStageNet Protocol 2.03 (2019-10-22)

The old specification (1.7) in PDF


a Wireshark dissector for PSN
A Guide to configure Grand MA for PSN


PSN Logos (Vector only)


(Provided by VYV)
.NET implementation
by David Butler

GitHub Repository
nuget Package

by Tyrell

GitHub Repository

NodeJS implementation
by Joel Wetzell

GitHub Repository

GO implementation
by Joel Wetzell

GitHub Repository

Unreal Engine Plugin
by Daniel Orchard with the Royal Shakespeare Company

GitHub Repository


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